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In Assyria and Babylonia clay tablets were used for writing and the words were drawn with a piece of wood. They were long-lasting and some of them survived until the present day. The earliest books of the ancient world were written dating sites austin Kirkcaldy on papyrus and skins of young animals. These books took the form of a long strip, roiled from one cylinder to another. Though paper has been dating sites austin Kirkcaldy known in China since the first century, the secret of papermaking came to Europe much later. Books were popular in ancient Rome: there were many booksellers and dating sites austin Kirkcaldy the first public library was founded there dating sites austin Kirkcaldy about 39 B.C.1 Only the rich could buy books or make their slaves copy books from important libraries. By the time, of the Middle Ages all books were handwritten, beautifully decorated, but they were often chained to the shelves. First printing was invented in China and by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 presses in Europe . The early printers were not only dating sites austin Kirkcaldy craftsmen but also editors, publishers and booksellers. The first printing, dating sites austin Kirkcaldy press in England was set up by William Caxton at Westminster in 1476.

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